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Monday, October 6, 2014

Week 18

Was it just last week that I was asking for rain?  Maybe we do have the ear of a benevolent deity after all.  It is very satisfying to see the carpet of green swiftly filling in patch field.  We still have a little bit of seeding to go but by and large all of our fields that have finished producing this year are now covered for the winter.

We still have 9 beds of sweet potatoes to dig and with wet soils and more wet weather on the way I really want to get these beauties out of the ground.  This may mean prioritizing the sweet potato harvest before some other crop that may keep better in the field.  Taking a break from potatoes this week will give their sweeter cousins a better chance.  (Sweet potatoes and potatoes aren’t actually botanically very close.)  

The Appleton Farms Harvest Potluck is coming up this month.  On Saturday October 25th please join us in the Carriage barn for fun, games, bluegrass music and a shared meal.  Bring your friends, family, flatware and most importantly a delicious dish to share with everyone.  More details to follow soon.  We hope to see you there!

Thanks giving shares are still available.  You can pick up a sigh up sheet in the share room.  If you are ordering frozen pies, remember to get your orders in by October 15th.  Order forms may be turned into the CSA shop keeper.

If you receiving this blog update via email and it is not arriving before your pickup day please try visiting the website directly.  The blog is updated by Monday morning so you should be able to get this week’s share list along with some top notch farm reporting before you arrive for pickup.  Have a great week and we’ll see you soon.

What’s in the share:  Greens, kale, collards, broccoli, cabbage, kohlrabi, garlic, red onions, winter squash, red beets, PYO sunflowers, parsley, cilantro, dill, beans
What’s new:  Easter egg radishes, cauliflower