Week 14We received three-quarters of an inch of rain on Sunday and well over an inch of rain on Wednesday. With potential for more precipitation this weekend, it’s feasible to think we won’t need to irrigate much again this season! Most of the hot crops are slowing down. Tomatoes are just trickling in now and we are finally done picking cucumbers and summer squash. The greens are enjoying the cooler weather and continue to look beautiful. This week we will start doling out what turned out to be an excellent crop of winter squash. Our fall brassicas (broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage) look good but are a couple weeks away.
This week the share will include:GreensHead LettuceGreen curly kaleBok choiFennel
BeetsPeppersPotatoesGarlicSpaghetti squashCherry tomatoes - PYOHot peppers - PYOHerbs - PYODespite our best efforts to keep a good stash of scissors for the pick your own field, every week many go missing. I’d like to encourage you to bring your own scissors if you plan on picking.Just a reminder, we only allow one pickup per week but the choice of day is up to you. If you cannot make it for one of the weeks, you can always send a friend to pick up your share for you. Please remember to bring your tote bags! The shareroom is openMonday & Thursday 2-7pm, Tuesday and Friday 12-5pm
News from the Farm Store
Milk bottling on Wednesday this week.
We would like to know more about what you like about our milk. Click Here to take our very short survey. (sorry the link did not work last week - thanks to those of you who tried).
Regular store hours are M-F 11 to 6 and Sat and Sun 10-4. Sometime we may stay open a little later, but generally we close at 6 pm.
We are looking for one or two shopkeepers. If you know of anyone who would like to join the team in the store on a part-time basis, please have them apply by sending an email to screighton@thetrustees.org .
Please remember to bring back your glass milk bottles. We generally bottle milk on Wednesday mornings and it is ready in the store on Wednesday mid-afternoon.
Upcoming Programs and Events:
Friday Night Dinners - three more weeks! : Join us for dinner by Chive and music in the Stone Paddock. The family-friendly dinners feature food grown or raised on our farms (as well as other local area farms.) Dining on the farm is one of the best ways to enjoy the flavors of the season! Ticket prices include full dinner buffet, non-alcoholic beverages, and dessert. Beer and wine is available for purchase.
We do limit the numbers and some dates are filling up so Sign up now!
Are you a runner? September 23rd's Run for Amy is a great way to see the Great Pasture as you run a 5K or 10K. The run is in memory of Amy Foster and will benefit Dana Farber and Appleton Farms.